Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hoppy Easter!!!

First let me wish you all a VERY HAPPY EASTER!!! I hope all of you spent the time with your loved ones eating, drinking and having fun!

Of course, I had been in talks with the Easter Bunny for a few weeks now and my students had been behaving themselves to see if they were good enough for EB to come visiting them! All day they waited... and watched... and made sure they were watching me at all times, suspicious that it was actually ME! But it all happened once I had left for a meeting with other teachers... and they went off to Music. They returned to find a whoooooooooole lot of mess and some special Easter chocolately treats too! EB even left them some messages! Check out the photos below!

This was a gift to me from one of my fabulous students... a bouquet of Easter eggs!! Quite inventive actually! So sweet! Loved it!

These are the Easter 'birds nests' that my students made in class on Wednesday. Mix melted chocolate with All Bran and then scoop into the patty pans and then top with a birds egg! (Chocolate of course!)
Then every year I try to give my students some kind of gift. I came across this on Pinterest and immediately knew this was awesome! So, I made my students a bag of 'bunny tails!' These were definitely a hit! And it was a nice change after all the chocolate left by EB!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter!!! Keep ya eyes open for more awesome tales from my classroom!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Measuring Angles is FUN!

The students in my class always LOVE IT when I introduce something new. Today, they were not disappointed! We have been learning about angles for a few weeks now and today we started drawing and measuring them accurately using a protractor. Most of the students had never used one before and had no idea what they were even used for. I did a few examples on the board of drawing them with a protractor, then checking I did it correctly by measuring them. I did 3 examples on the board and then the students replicated the first one in their books. Once I checked them all, the replicated the second and the third in their books. Once I established they all understood how to draw and check them, I have them a challenge to draw a 15 degree angle. Once I had checked they did that correctly, they were free to do draw two acute angles of their choice and be able to show me using their protractor that their angle was correct. It is a rare thing, but within that 40 minute lesson I had 20 students who by the end of the lesson, all knew what a protractor was, what it is used for and how to use it accurately to measure and draw angles. They were so excited they wanted to do more but unfortunately, we could not spend the entire day drawing and measuring angles (Much to their disgust haha). Here's a few images of their bookwork from today!

It's great to see them so enthusiastic about learning!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fun with Shaving Cream and Cornflour!

So I am always on the lookout for things I think look interesting, different and let's face it, COOL! I came across this idea on Pinterest a few months ago and have been dying to try it out and see what it's like. Of course it makes more sense to make it with a group than just me on my lonesome!

We mixed 2 cans of shaving cream and 2 boxes of cornflour. It was the strangest sensation at first, a bit sticky, a bit slimy but the more the students played with it, it got thicker and tougher. After about an hour of little hands playing with it, the mixture became somewhat solid but malleable and they could start to make shapes and objects with it, without it losing it's shape. It was great and the texture was quite unusual! Try it for yourself!



 The kids LOVED playing around with this new and interesting mixture!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Whiteboard markers... with a difference!

It's been so crazy lately at work and other things but I wanted to do a quick post tonight to show off something really cool!

Last year we used mini whiteboards during our warm ups to check for understanding. But the kids kept using tissues every session and needless to say we used way too many tissues! I tried to think of better ways of erasing their boards than tissues. Then I came across something on Pinterest.

Here is my first attempt at whiteboard markers with 'erasers' (pom poms) attached (with a hot glue gun). They work brilliantly! The kids love the funky colours! The only problem is after a few uses they aren't as bright and vibrant colours of course. But that's ok - they function as intended!

Here's a picture so you see what I mean.

Stay tuned - a few entries coming over the next few days! For now, keep exploring and learning!